Trinity Lutheran Church
Transforming lives through worship, learning and service
Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church. We are a Christian community in the heart of Hamilton, Ontario.
We offer a place where people from all walks of life can worship God together, learn together and do their best to serve those in need in their neighbourhood.
All are welcome! We look forward to meeting you.
Trinity Lutheran Church- Our Vision
A Christian community, open to all, transforming lives through worship, learning and service.
Trinity Lutheran Church- Our Mission Statement
As an expression of our faith in Christ, the people of Trinity nurture those who are hungry in body and spirit. We do this in partnership with our community by responding to the needs of our neighbors and by caring for God’s creation
Trinity Lutheran Church- Our Core Values
We strive to live by the following values:
Welcoming: We are an inclusive and accepting community, without barriers.
Compassion: We respond to the needs of others with love and patience. The suffering of others becomes our suffering.
Social Justice: We will meet with our neighbours, becoming more familiar with those living in communities who may vary from us in age, physical abilities, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic class, and religious practices, and foster a climate of invitation for all. We will promote social justice where all people have equal access to resources, health, well-being, justice, privileges, and opportunities, regardless of their legal, political economic or other circumstances
Love: Equipped by the teaching of the Scriptures and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we care for our neighbours as God cares for us, without condition or judgement, for the benefit of our neighbour, not our own.
Grace: We live in the confidence that God loves this beautiful and broken world. God’s love defines no one by their failings and makes everything new.
Courage: We approach change with prayer, relying on God’s enduring strength, doing what is right, despite obstacles.
Relevance: We are committed to responding to the needs of our changing community.
Stewardship: We care for the gifts God has entrusted us with: our bodies, relationships, material possessions and creation. This springs from a spirit of generosity and a place of trust.