Sunday School
Sunday school is an important part of Christian education in the church and provides a place for children to learn and grow in their faith at an age-appropriate level. The Sunday School planning team is excited to try out a new format based on these beliefs and priorities:
- Children develop their faith with both age-appropriate learning opportunities and participation in Sunday worship.
- Children are an integral part of the worshipping community.
- We will wisely steward our resources, including the time and energy of our volunteers.
- Families are busier than ever and find it challenging to attend church each week.
Sunday School Schedule
First Sunday of the Month – Children begin the morning in Sunday School and join the congregation in the sanctuary at communion.
Second Sunday of the Month – The Sunday School class shares part of their learning and music from the previous week as part of the worship service.
Remaining Sundays of each month – Children are invited to join in the regular service. A children’s message and quiet independent activity will be provided for those in attendance.
Confirmation Class is a great opportunity to widen our horizon and begins by getting to know other young people in our congregation. All youth around the age of 12 are invited to meet with one of the pastors over the span of two years (September to April). The days and times of the classes vary according to the busy schedules of the students.
This year we meet every other Friday from 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm.
Together we explore the Bible and find out more about God and Jesus Christ is and how we can relate. We learn about worship, holy communion, baptism and how they can be meaningful for our lives.
Most of us were baptized when we were little babies and confirmation classes help us to grow into the decision our parents and godparents made for us. And then in a special worship you will confirm your baptism.
But it’s not all about learning, it also about experiencing what it means to be a part of God’s people here at Trinity. Regular attendance in worship is encouraged to become familiar with worship, readings and hymns.
In February we offer a Winter Retreat (a weekend) and in the summer a Youth Camp (5 days) together with other congregations of our Synod. These are wonderful opportunities to see and experience the wider church and make more friends.
All youth are welcome. Come and join us.
Bibles and Bagels
This group meets once a month from September to May. We meet at 9:00 a.m. on the last Saturday morning of the month. We start by enjoying a breakfast prepared by volunteer members. The group usually meets for 90 minutes.
The topics for discussion are chosen by the group and have varied. The group has followed recommended books for Bible study, chosen timely topics of the church of today, and learned about other faith communities. A Bible passage may be chosen to review, and we consider what these passages mean and what is expected of us personally. It’s an opportunity to share and ask personal questions in a trustful atmosphere.
The group ends with personal prayer requests, address timely home and world events, pray for our church, pray for the community we live in as well as our families and friends. It’s amazing how much one can learn from these sessions by listening to one another, reading God’s word and opening our eyes and hearts to others’ views. You too can learn, share, and be part of this group! We would love to have more ladies join us. All are welcome. Join us in person or via Zoom.
Men’s Breakfast
After a hearty breakfast prepared by someone from the group, you’ll have a chance to meet other men who are interested in sharing their thoughts on various issues that we face as Christians in Hamilton.
Through Bible studies, speakers and presentations you’ll have a chance to discuss the current issues facing us. Over the years that we’ve gathered we have covered such topics as:
- Missionary trips to Central America and Africa
- The history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
- The origins and tenants of the Muslim religion
- Christmas traditions
- Walking the El Camino pilgrimage
- Canada Lutheran World Relief
- Black History month
- How Christians should respond to war.
We’ve had speakers talk about pollution, World food day, and Truth and Reconciliation with our Indigenous neighbours.
In a joint meeting with the Bibles and Bagels group of Trinity we discussed the future of artificial intelligence (AI) and how it will affect us and also challenge us as Christians.
Join the men of Trinity at 9:00 am on the last Saturday of each month for food, fellowship, song Bible study and conversation. We meet at the Hughson Street location.