At Trinity, the Social Ministry works to make a difference in people’s lives. We help people in our community to meet basic needs for physical and spiritual health and well-being.
Our community includes members of Trinity, as well as people not directly associated with our congregation. To support our Social Ministry of love and service, we use our resources as well as develop partnerships with people, community organizations and other churches. We respond in kind to support their missions and programs.
Through the Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR), we support those who are suffering globally. The mission of CLWR is to challenge and respond to the injustice which causes human suffering and poverty, nationally and internationally.
Donations can be made directly to the programs we support, or through Trinity. Please visit our Donate page for more information on how to donate.

Good Food Box
The Good Food Box (GFB) Program runs from September to June on the second Thursday of each month. The program offers quality healthy fruits and vegetables for less money, while encouraging everyone to eat nutritiously.
The cost per bag of fruits and vegetables is $22. Some financial help may be available.
Please call Trinity at 905-974-9878 or visit the Good Food Box sign up page if you are interested in receiving a Good Food Box. Please note that new orders need to be received at least one week prior to the pick up date and prepayment by etransfer to Trinity Lutheran Church at is required.
You may also contact us if you are interested in volunteering to help with the program. We are always in need of volunteers to help sort and pack produce, deliver, and assist with clean up.
Financial donations to the Good Food Box help to provide subsidies to people that require financial assistance. Your financial donations also support the purchase of fresh produce which is donated to various community programs such as:
- St. Matthews House
- Neighbour to Neighbour
- The Native Women’s Centre
Pick Up Locations
Trinity Lutheran Church
232 Fennell Avenue East
Hamilton, Ontario
Pick up is the 2nd Thursday of the month.
Pick up times: 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Trinity Lutheran Church
104 Hughson Street North
Hamilton, Ontario
Pick up is the 2nd Thursday of the month.
Pick up times: 12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR)
Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) is an important humanitarian organization. As an international relief and development agency of the Lutheran communities, CLWR provides opportunities for Canadians to respond to national and international needs. When communities are devastated by disaster, drought or conflict, financial gifts provide life-saving support as families get through crisis and begin to recover. CLWR provides aid to many different projects. Trinity has provided support to the Myanmar Longhouses, the Ukraine Crisis, and most recently, Food Security and Livelihoods.

Trinity Refugee Ministry
Working with CLWR, Trinity along with seven other churches in south eastern Ontario, is committed to raise funds to assist in the resettlement of refugees from West Africa.
The process of resettlement will take several years and ongoing support.

Winter Apparel Drive
Donations of winter coats, hats, gloves, boots, shoes, new underwear, socks and sleeping bags can be made to Trinity from November to March each year.
Items are distributed by volunteers to the people attending the Out of the Cold program. Trinity also makes donations to Refuge: Hamilton Centre for Newcomer Health.
Contact Trinity 905-974-9878 to make donations.

Knitting and Crocheting
Our members knit and crochet hats, gloves, baby blankets and baby sweaters that are donated to programs in the community.
If you have items you wish to donate, or if you need wool to make items to donate, contact Trinity 905-974-9878.

Community Fridges Hamilton Ontario
Financial support or food can be donated to support Hamilton Community Fridges. The fridges are free to everyone, and the hours vary based on the location. To learn more, visit the Community Fridges HamOnt Facebook page.
Donation and access locations in Hamilton:
- Crown Point Community Fridge, 204 Ottawa St. N.
- Gilkson Community Fridge, 44 Greendale Dr.
- Locke Street Community Fridge, 115 Stanley Ave.
- Strathcona Community Pantry, 460 York Blvd. (pantry only)
- McMaster Community Fridge, 1280 Main St. W.
- Compass Community Fridge, 438 Hughson St. N.
- Wesley Day Centre, 52 Catharine St. N.
- The King’s Way Outreach, 390 King William St.
- The Hub, 78 Vine St

Little Library
The Little Library is located at the corner of Hughson and Wilson Street right beside the church. It is stocked regularly with donated used books (English) for adults, youth and children. Trinity members and anyone in the community are welcome to help themselves.

People’s Café
Everyone is welcome at the People’s Café on Tuesdays from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Refreshments and fellowship are offered. You can visit the café at any time during the posted hours. Come and make new friends or sit quietly by yourself.
Neighbours are also welcome to enjoy coffee and toast while sheltering from the weather. People wishing to volunteer to help with the program can contact Pastor Dani.

Back-to School Supply Collection
Trinity’s goal is to make a positive difference for school children in the community by collecting school supplies. There is a need for backpacks, lunch bags, water bottles, markers, crayons, pencils, pens, lined paper and binders.
Donations can be placed in the bin marked “School Supplies” in the Parish Hall at our Hughson St. location. Financial donations can also be made. We are collecting school supplies until September 10.

Christmas Gift Card Drive
Every Christmas the members of Trinity donate gift cards for the at-risk youth supported by Living Rock and Liberty for Youth.
Other Programs We Support
Trinity partners with local organizations whose goals are like our own. These organizations provide for those in need, by addressing food insecurity, poverty, and housing.
Out of the Cold Hamilton
Out of the Cold Hamilton strives to eliminate hunger in our community by serving hot, nutritious meals to those in need in our community from November to March. Trinity supports the program by providing the kitchen for meal preparation and the space to distribute these meals on Mondays from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Living Rock Youth Resources
The Living Rock Youth Resources Centre is a safe place of community and support for Hamilton’s most vulnerable population which is youth between the ages of 13-25.
Liberty For Youth
Liberty For Youth offers mentorship for at-risk youth, ages 12- 25 in Hamilton and surrounding areas. The mentorship is for those who are facing any number of negative social circumstances and challenges.