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The weekly email includes the link to the livestream on Zoom for the Sunday worship service as well as announcements, meeting dates and information.


News and Announcements

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Congregational Communication

The Synod Assembly took place on June 20 to 22. Trinity was well represented with Pastor Dani, Pastor Jordan, Judy Lindemann, Mark Weingartner and Fred Mertz. A new Bishop, Carla Blakely, was elected. Carla is a pastor from Saskatchewan with a lot of experience. Our own Fred Mertz was elected Treasurer of the Synod. Way to go Fred!

On Sunday, June 23, 2024, there was a brief congregational meeting with two items on the agenda. The first item was the changes required to our constitution as a result of a change in the Not for Profit Corporations Act in Ontario. Those changes were sent to the congregation back in May. Mark Weingartner presented the motions and explanation, and it was passed with more than a two-thirds majority.

Secondly, the board received an offer from Indwell to purchase the King St. location. The offer was accepted by the Board and it was required to be ratified by the congregation. After much discussion, the congregation approved the sale of King St. to Indwell for $1,240,000.00 with an 83% majority vote. Two-thirds majority was required to pass the motion. The closing date is September 30.

Please stay tuned for information about “cleaning days” at King St. We will need help cleaning out the church. There is a “garage sale” planned for some of the bigger items, probably in September.

Finally, the Board has now approved signing the contract with Invizij to take us to the finish line with the renovations at Hughson St. The recommendations our lawyer made were incorporated into the contract. Mike Schuster and I met with the architects and the City of Hamilton, via Zoom, at the Formal Consultation for the site on June 19. There are a few things that need to be tweaked.

Trinity and Invizij are fairly confident that we will be allowed to demolish the Wilson St. house in order to make way for the new entrance, as presented to the congregation back in April. This allows us to take the next steps and complete the detailed drawings. This will be in consultation with the Redevelopment Working Group, the Board, and other groups in the church to finalize what we want done and get an accurate cost for the work to be done. We hope to have this phase completed before the end of the year and to bring that number to the congregation for approval so the work can begin in 2025.

To all have a happy, healthy and safe summer! Enjoy your days in the sun!
Blessings, Cathy Calvin, Chair, Trinity Board of Directors

Events and Photos

Please enjoy these photos from Trinity Service.